Senin, 20 Agustus 2018



All welcome. With you again EvgenyEP . Today I want to tell you a new post about AligatoCoin .
Interest in people's crypto currency is growing at a tremendous rate. People have heard about it, and every day new people enter the world of crypto currency to make the article a part of something more! When BL blockchainchain technology came , in our modern world huge changes began to happen at once. Much has changed in this world and only for the better. So many companies have changed their business policies, and so many companies have started using crypto-currencies in their work. New ideas come every day. People want to invest in new projects. they have the largest database that connects all of us to you-it's certainly the world wide web. The Internet is a huge database of information where they can do anything. The Internet connected the whole world. One such project-AligatoCoin .
The platform is based on the blockchain .
Technology blockchain has great potential to remove many of the problems, not only in e-commerce industry, who are fighting on the functionality a certain level. It has been proven that the e-commerce business model is now obsolete and may have negative consequences for all participants of this market all over the world - for example, the theft of last year's data on the website, equifax and take over 143 million Americans. This is not counting other countries in the world! The figures are simply staggering.

let's look at how AligatoCoin can help us in this case.
Company AligatoCoin proposes the advent of artificial intelligence.
The introduction of deep learning artificial intelligence will allow the project to provide users with comfort and maximum time savings.
The system will facilitate both the sale process and the purchase process. The system will remember the preferences of customers and adjust the offers according to their individual needs. It will also be useful when publishing offers for sales and auctions: when you enter several basic parameters, it will suggest how to optimize the offer and adjust it in accordance with our ideal interests.
Logistic solutions: 
they know that a person is and will remain indispensable in many aspects of life. In some areas, however, technology achieves results unattainable for human hands and brain. they believe that one area is a large part of logistics: the delivery of parcels.
Our foremost concept is to create a device consisting of fully automatic, infallible delivery drones using our innovative solutions in the field of storage area, as well as ecological, renewable energy sources.The concept itself is already present in the marketplace, as for the plans, but our patented solutions combined with an innovative approach to many of the elements in which they specialize in leaving the competition far behind.
Now consider the AligatoCoin (ALC) token itself :
·        Product Name: AligatoCoin
·        Symbol of the token: ALC
·        Platform: Ethereum (ERC20)
·        Distribution process: ALC tokens will be allocated to addresses immediately after the ICO.
·        The cost of the token. Price: 1 ALC = 0.5 USD
·        The minimum number of tokens that can be purchased: 1 ALC
·        Soft Cap: 1.000.000 ALC
·        Goal: 35.000.000 ALC
·        Hard cap: 70.000.000 ALC
·        Protection of investors: if the minimum is not reached, the funds will be returned to the investor after the ICO is closed.
·        Issue: 100,000,000 ALC
·        Token distribution: Aligato 30%; crowdfunding investors 70%
·        Payment: BTC, ETH, LTC, DOGECOIN, ATB, (PLN & USD)

·        Preparation of technical AligatoCoin support;
·        Pre-ICO start and preparation for ICO;
·        Update the portfolio of purchases Aligato.
·        AligatoWallet application work begins;
·        Begin the listing process aligatocoin exchange.
·        Aligato Development 2.0 begins - the preparation of full functionality and a new layout of the platform;
·        The development of the e-learning platform begins.
·        The installation and launch of the AligatoWallet beta version within Aligato 2.0 begins;
·        The work on the creation of our own Blochein begins;
·        AligatoCoin on selected Polish and foreign crypto-exchange exchanges.
·        The fifth stage will be fully focused on the work aimed at further technical improvement and implementation of optimization and solutions offered by our community.
·        Patent protection worked on technological innovations of the project;
·        Launch a mirrored version of Aligato 2.0 in national domains;
·        Preparation of the next 4 language versions.
·        Pay Pay (PvE) own payment system, starting with conceptual work and viewing ready-made technological solutions.
·        Advanced technological development of an autonomous delivery system using Dronov;
·        Building and testing the Alpha version of the Bumblebee standalone drone
·        Further work on the platform delivery of drones;
·        Tests and presentations of the functional Bumblebee Hive;
·        Obtaining necessary licenses and permits.
·        Completion of work on the new headquarters of Aligato
·        Advanced work to create a renewable energy source for the power of the drone.

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Author : MhyticGF


Hasil gambar untuk blockkonnect


Blockkonnect is the worlds first blockchain generation and social network platform connecting crypto associated humans and uniting them underneath one roof. Blockkonnect is the primary remaining answer ever which presents you with tonns of capabilities you ever desired on a unmarried platform. you may discover people with similar pastimes as yours,which includes blockchain technology and cryptocurrency.

Blockkonnect offers you a golden possibility to monetize your very own posts and comments to show your ardour into money, just like some thing like AdSense in YouTube. we have a robust notion that we can continue to be pinnacle in this quarter forever, as our concept is particular. No other social platform offers you such an smooth way for monetization.

Our Speciality

We provide you a Social Platform which Connects,Fuels and Rewards customers.An ecosystem that is designed to make on line discussion platform clean,seamless and profitable to both enterprise owners and users.It offers an opportunity to Blockchain and cryptocurrency fans to attach and speak every other and solution each different's questions.

Connecting Blockchain and Crypto marketplace fans
usually crypto fanatics used to submit Contents,alerts,information,and so forth., in distinct social media structures.subsequently Blockkonnect presents a majority of these capabilities in a unmarried platform.

Tip every person
Blockkonnect is the handiest platform till date in which individuals can tip each other on correct posts and hold themselves encouraged.

Make Followerand money
Blockkonnect forums additionally presents bounty applications for top fans,customers who post contents and so forth., users can preserve posting in boards to increase your followers and earn.more the fans you've got greater possibilities of earning.

comply with Blockchain related businesses
Blockkonnect offers platform of boards wherein Blockchain related agencies,Cryptocurrency associated organizations,Crypto builders, they can create their profiles here and users can observe them and see all the updates and publish from the ones profile, users can provide answers and also tip Blockkonnect token each other as a praise.


ICO «BLOCKKONNECT» Stage Start: August 20, 2018
ICO «BLOCKKONNECT» Stage Finish: October 17, 2018
ICO «BLOCKKONNECT» Platform: Ethereum, ERC20



For More Information :

Author : MhyticGF Bitcointalk profil :;u=1907591

Minggu, 19 Agustus 2018

FX PAY - Rezension



In der Welt des Austausches und der Wertschätzung, ist der Erfolg in der letzten Zeit sehr bekannt. Außerdem eine kürzere Laufzeit für die erweiterte Version. Gleichzeitig spielt der Rest des Stückes auf einen Aspekt an, in dem die trading-monetären Formen platziert werden. Dieser Erfolg hängt mit der Fairness des Geldes zusammen, das mit anderen Händen verbunden ist. Diese Hände könnten keine Broker (Marktmitglieder), Liquidity Prodriers (Besitzer der Alternativen) und die Broker (zwischen denen, die zwischen den Trägern und den frühen Ronds stehen) sein.



Wenn Sie sich für den wichtigsten und schnellsten des Devisenmarktes entscheiden, gibt es noch einige Informationen über die weitere Größe des Marktes bis zu einigen kleineren und größeren Problemen, die in diesem Fall auftreten. 

Ein großes Problem ist das der Föten, die für den Rückzug und viele Aktivitäten betroffen sind. Nur bei Geschäften, die verkauft und sogar geschäftlich betrieben werden, fallen Gebühren an. Natürlich ist dies eine Aufgabe, die jedes Mitglied der Makers befriedigt; Dies ist die Händler, Händler und Liquidität rrvrevudes umfassend. Dies ist eine Umarmung, mit der Teile gemacht werden müssen.

Nach der Angelegenheit mit dem Problem der Rücknahme Probleme, müssen die Händler dann mit Plating-Ratches Makler Provisionen beenden. Entsprechend der Nichteinhaltung von vorgegebenen Starts für die richtige Richtung, die von den Brokern vorgeschlagene Empfehlung, fast in der üblichen Richtung zu variieren. Dies ist eine ziemlich peinliche Situation für die Spieler, die in schwierigen Situationen stehen, um mit diesen unwichtigen Schwankungen fertig zu werden. 

Andere extrem repetitive Qualitäten von срересеторование сайтион ist die sehr unbequeme Long-Hold-Teile müssen gezwungen werden, aufgenommen zu werden, wenn die Versuche beeinflusst werden, irgendwelche суренели abzuschließen. Diese können für eine Reihe von Dänen entschlüsselt werden.


FXPay Programm bietet einen Vorteil, wo Benutzer und Mitglieder ihre verschiedenen FIAT Geldformulare in fortgeschrittenen ререниессов durch ein geschütztes Programm weiterleiten können, das durch die sichere neue Innovation untergeordnet wird. Es ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, sich in der Zukunft ohne die Erfahrung einer schnellen Forex-Erfahrung zu erholen. Die Vereinbarung über FXP (auch der FXPay) kann dann mit diesen verschiedenen Tokens verlassen werden. Trades waren die Möglichkeit, Trades mit zusätzlichen Effekten zu erstellen, die sie auf der Blockchain erreichen würden.

FXP Tiki

Dies ist der offizielle Gehaltsscheck, der für alle Börsen in der FXPAY-Plattform verwendet wird. Nach Abschluss des Handels haben Händler die Alternative, entweder ihre Kämme in der FXP zu anderen oder anderen Rechten zu veröffentlichen. Sie können wählen, nichts zu tun, außer die Erinnerungen zu speichern, damit sie in der Zukunft handeln. Die Forex Credits können auch in FIAT сренесу auf der Plattform sein. All diese Dinge tun wenig in den wichtigsten Aspekten.




Das heißt, es gibt immer etwas Besseres für die Spieler und die Broker. 
Für die Händler besteht die erstaunliche Natur des FXP darin, monetäre Garantien für den Händler, der ein Token-Besitzer ist, zu sammeln und in vielen bekannten Trasnascasts zu verwenden. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit von jedem ist, dass die Wertschätzung allmählich einschließt, wie progressiv und mehr Geschäft mit dem Plan ist. Darüber hinaus unterstützt das schwere Geld eine Vielzahl von wichtigen Ratten.

Die Brüder haben den richtigen, zwei Größen zu gehen. Sie sorgen auf Anhieb dafür, dass sie sich schneller in Fonds, Liquiditätsprodukten oder in Echtzeit bewegen. Da FXP so üblich ist, sind Erinnerungen und andere unvermeidlich. Schließlich würde die FXP die Chance fördern, in einem bestimmten Verhältnis zu stärken, aber ihre Trider-Klärung, dies ist eine Form des Umgangs mit dem bestimmten Plan. Ebenso würde die Verwendung der gemeinsam genutzten Daten der Plattform die Kosten der Agenten mit sich bringen, die sich über zusätzliche Faktoren außerhalb des Firmennetzwerks sorgen.


Nur eine kenntnisreiche Ansammlung von großartigen Persönlichkeiten würde eine virtuose Arbeit von INNOVATION wie das FXPART-Programm meistern. Der Hintergrund für diese Aufgabe war es, die Forex-Werbung in einer kleinen Menge und Weise zu testen.


Der Forex-Markt wird zu verschiedenen Dollars verkauft. Die wirklichen Hindernisse für die nächste Entwicklung sind ihre Entwicklung. Wie oft wurde und wurde von der Tatsache, dass dies nur als Ergebnis ist? F ist der Fall durchgeführt, dass eine andere defekte стралізедстеме.This ist auf diese Weise eine Vereinbarung, die notwendig und ausreichend für das System als Ende entschieden.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unten links:


Autor: MhyticGF  

Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2018

ARAW is an ecosystem with decentralized payments

Araw is a decentralized means of payment, in the Ethereum Blockchain tie, which is useful for improving the application of blockchain in everyday life around the world. ARAW is the first company in the world to combine the benefits of e-commerce and the payment industry. to provide end product solutions for e-Commerce cards, Cryptocurrency Touch & Pay, cryptocurrency electronic payment and an integrated reward system in Ethereum Blockchain araw symbolic base.

The motive of the ARAW agreement is to be part of ordinary online buying. The Araw platform eliminates fundamental issues in e-commerce and the crypto frequency economy. ARAW Tokens work as more than simple gifts - as they are used and exchanged for all members of the ARAW ecosystem. In addition, ARAW owners can change their chip in fiat currency using the ARAW cell wallet and return the cash to your bank account.

 ARAW Tokens will also allow regular customers to participate in the fast-growing cryptographic world - offering benefits to all parties involved. The main factor is the ease of acceptance for customers because the reward system is a common thing. ARAW Token is a symbolic benefit that has been specifically designed for the worldwide digital market. ARAW Token serves as a entire gift and payment method for on-line and retail stores. The Araw Platform offers a realistic solution to the problems defined above in addition to being the realistic coronary heart of e-trade and the combination of encryption. It seeks to reward spending with encryption, exposing normal human beings to ARAW tokens.

Araw's essential aim is to offer clean get right of entry to to emerging cryptocurrency houses with capacity cost improvements - with out managing the underlying complexities that make cryptocurrency exciting. The integrated gift gadget seeks to trade the subordination of a vandalized industry by way of combining possible rewards from all retail markets collectively regardless of the product - focusing on character cryptocurrency marketplace get entry to as well as investment paperwork. With our technical services, we try to assist man or woman companies and company vendors.

ARAW Tokens may be followed in any vicinity - this worldwide decentralization capacity represents an infinite growth in symbols. This implementation could be smooth as we try to interrupt through everyday e-commerce structures and stores without introducing custom tailor-made adjustments from a consumer's angle. Araw touch & Pay cards are the most effective solution for any gift application that can be of interest to consumers - the primary of its kind inside the united kingdom.

This lets in customers to get hold of ARAW chips with their each day purchases, in addition to pay by means of using the AREND token that accumulates. This guarantees that the average purchaser can without difficulty approve the use of the cardboard, due to similarity to present generation - but is now empowered with araw coupons that keep intrinsic and in no way-ending price. This provide allows symbolic araw to have the use of day by day cryptocurrency exercise has struggled to satisfy the symbolic cost that has been disconnected from contextual utilization till now Adoption of Blockchain users and Araw platform platform Araw targets to goal more than one channels to improve the adoption of blockchain era.

ARAW token

one of the essential objectives of the Araw platform is to provide an included rewards gadget and advertising solutions for e-commerce organizations, aiming to increase client footprint, construct significant relationships with them and thereby enhance enterprise boom. We gift ARAW Token as a approach to free up the complete functionality of the rewards program and thereby growth the fee for all contributors on this loyalty machine.

The ARAW Token Ecosystem



  • Initial currency offer
  • Bulletin: ARAW
  • Signal type: ERC20
  • ICO Invoice: 1 ARAW = $ 0.01
  • Total token: 5,000,000,000
  • Available for sale symbols: 3,500,000,000 (70%)
  • White list: YES (May 15 - June 30)
  • Meet Your Customer (KYC): YES
  • Start of sale: 1 JULY
  • Total sales start date: TBD
  • Soft cap: $ 5,000,000
  • Hard Cap: $ 25,000,000
  • Accept: ETH
  • Contact us for pre-sales: Sales
  • Pre-Sales
  • Token: 1 JULY - 30 AUG
  • Public Sale
  • August 1, 2018




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More information: Website: 
White paper: Facebook: 
arawtoken Bitcointalk: Inside: Youtube: Telegram: 
Author : MhyticGF 
bitcointalk profil :;u=1907591 
My ETH: 0x21fa2923881d2796232CBbde9C5ef294F2635a06

Jumat, 17 Agustus 2018

Shop at Dealjoy and Get Crypto Cashback

have you ever ever keep online? have you ever acquired cashback out of your on-line purchasing?. all people who store on-line feel dissatisfied with their shopping but aren't given cashback from the platform or online save. anyone might want to get cashback once they go online despite the fact that a bit but many on-line shops do now not supply cashback, despite the fact that we actually desire for the cashback. precise information for you, now you've got the Dealjoy platform which provides cashback for shoppers. Dealjoy gives crypto cashback, specifically DEAL token.

Dealjoy platform works between clients and merchants while customers continue to online shops via Dealjoy platform. shoppers will obtain cashback with their buy, and there's also no identification of private records supplied to third events. The dealjoy platform uses blockchain generation and ERC-20 general tokens, DEAL. Cashback may be given for my part, globally, and immediately with out a minimum charge restriction.Dealjoy will offer DEAL cashback tokens by way of making purchases from traders after the platform is launched, the beta release is scheduled for this fall 2018.

The Dealjoy platform additionally presents consumers with cashback when consumers keep at on-line stores that are supported by using the Dealjoy platform as proven under;

How it works Dealjoy
Dealjoy works between customers and merchants whilst the client is going to the online keep via Dealjoy platform just like the image below:

About Token Deal
For those of you who already have a DEAL Token you can use it to make an integrated purchase at DealShop or drag it to your external wallet.In trendy, the DEAL Token is stored in the person's private wallet on the Dealjoy platform. Dealjoy regulates the extent of cashback based totally on fiat buy charges, real-time rate statistics from external exchanges and will be used to determine the real amount of DEAL tokens paid to users at certain times.

Token DEAL is a type of standard ERC20 token that is applied to the Ethereum network. The dealjoy platform deliberately selects erc-20 for its wide adoption, fast transfers, and low-cost deals. Using the ERC20 standard helps the DEAL token achieve high adoption between external and exchange

Dealjoy platform holds 3 stages in token sale DEAL: private sale, pre-sale and main sale. Public pre-sale is held at the end of 2018 on the date of publication. Main sale sales will be made after pre-sale and will last for a maximum of 4 weeks (28 days).Pihak Dealjoy mengatakan bahwa setiap satu kontribusi token harus dilakukan dengan menggunakan Ethereum (ETH).The maximum DEAL token supply is 1,400,000,000 and no more tokens will be issued after the maximum limit. If all unsold tokens at the end of the period, the token sales will burn permanently.

Token Information
Token Allocation


Dealjoy Team

I will give my opinion about dealjoy that will be good news for online shoppers if they understand the Roadjoy project roadmap. In my country, more and more people are shopping online, and I think it's amazing to buy products online and get cashback with cryptocurrency. I hope you will participate in DEAL ico because just imagine if you shop online the more you shop, the more cashback you get.

in case you want to examine more approximately the imminent Dealjoy, Dealjoy Tim, and Token Sale structures, see the Whitepaper or visit the hyperlinks under;


Author: MhyticGF
Bitcointalk profil :;u=1907591